Pot Limit Holdem

NL Hold’em Starting Hand Charts. One aspect of the game of No-Limit Hold’em that causes beginning players much grief is deciding which hands to play and which hands to dump. NL Hold’em is much more difficult than Limit Hold’em because the value of a hand depends on so many factors other than just the cards in your hand. Limit Omaha hold 'em 8-or-better is the 'O' game featured in H.O.R.S.E. Both limit Omaha/8 and pot limit Omaha high are featured in the 8-Game. Omaha hold 'em derives its name from two types of games. In the original Omaha poker game, players were only dealt two hole. Texas Hold'em is mostly played as a no limit game, which means any player can go all-in at any given time. This matters a lot when it comes to determining the nature of the game. Omaha is mostly played as a Pot Limit game. That means that a player can only raise by the value of the pot at the time.

Manyelements of Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) and No Limit Hold’Em (NLH) play are similar.However, there are key differences which distinguish the two games. Theincrease to four pocket cards, pot limit betting caps, and other variations yieldkey strategy differences between the two games. For players new to PLO, themost basic rule difference is that you must use exactly two hole cards and threeboard cards to create your hand. Think that’s easy? Well, see how often, whenfirst playing PLO, that you believe you’ve made a straight when you haven’t.

Here are thetechnical and strategy differences between PLO and NLH you need to look out for.

Pre-flop Equity Differences in PLOare Much Smaller than in NLH

Most handsin PLO have no more than a 2:1 pre-flop equity advantage. For example, pocketaces in NLH have an average equity advantage of about 85/15 against any randomhand. In Omaha, holding two aces and two random cards is only about a 65/35advantage. So many combinations can hit a flop that even the raggiest startinghands have potential against very strong hands. What this means is…..

PLO Loves Action

Pot Limit Holdem

The reduced differentialin PLO pre-flop equities means that players frequently have pot odds to enter ahand pre-flop, particularly in late position. While a VPIP (Voluntary Put Moneyin Pot) of 10%-15% in NLH would not be unheard of for a decent player, that samefrequency would be exceedingly tight for a PLO player. Even some very good PLO playersmay have a VPIP of 25%-30%. Of course, some players enjoy the shrunken equitydisadvantages far too much. Be prepared to open your ranges in PLO, but becautious about justifying entering every hand. Also, sharpen your board readingskills, because you’ll be seeing more flops than in NLH.

Position is even More Important inPLO

Free no limit texas holdPot limit hold em rules

PLO is a drawinggame, and you want to be in position on your draws. In PLO, there is morecalling behind pre-flop than 3-betting, and more defense of 3-bets in position.If you are 3-betting pre-flop, it should be for value only, not as a bluff.While play is loose, you don’t want to increase the pot size too quickly beforethe board has unfolded. Out of position you should only be raising with premiumhands. Beyond that, try to keep the pot multi-way, which means more earlyposition limping than is typically seen in NLH.

Set Mine with Caution in PLO

While smallpair set mining in deep stack NLH games can be profitable, it should generallybe avoided in PLO. The odds of losing set over set, or a set losing to a straightor flush is much higher. A hand like 6633 should likely be discarded.

You Need Stronger Hands to Win atShowdown

Pot Limit Hold'em Strategy

In NLH, you can generally bet any flush with impunity. In PLOthere are times when, given the action, small flushes absolutely should befolded. Be judicious about your draws. When drawing to flushes or straights, youalmost always should be drawing to the nuts.

How To Play Pot Limit Hold'em

Also, while over-pairs are likely to call at least one raisein NLH, they are folding most of the time in PLO. Similarly, while two pair isa strong holding in NLH, it’s only a bluff catcher in PLO.

Suitedness Matters More in PLO

Limit Hold Em Rules

Experienced NLH players will play suited cards cautiously,understanding their limited increase in equity. However, double suited hands such as AsAd8s4d and Jh10h9c8c (for itsstraight potential as well) are considered among the top 10 hands in PLO. Lookat every Top 20 or 30 starting hand chart in PLO and it will come with the tag“All hands are double suited.” Suitedness, particularly double suitedness,matters in PLO.

Limit Holdem Pot Odds

If you are transitioning from NLH to PLO, attention to thedifferences above will save you a lot of heartache.